
Posters of case studies: On-farm demonstrations across Europe

AgriDemo-F2F case studies

The case study reports below provide an in-depth descriptive analysis performed on 35 case studies carried out during the AgriDemo-F2F project, which represent a diverse array of demonstration approaches and activities, occurring throughout Europe.

The analysis focuses on 3 main aspects of on-farm demonstrations: i) structural characteristics, involving characteristics related to the network, actors involved, roles of actors and governance; ii) functional characteristics, describing mechanisms and tools that are being used for recruitment, interaction and learning during the demonstration; and iii) peer learning characteristics, which aim to capture the effectiveness of demonstration approaches, by looking at both the extent and nature of learning that takes places during demonstration events.

In addition to the reports, posters about demonstrations carried out till July 2018 have been presented and discussed at the 4th Agridemo general meeting and IFSA conference in Chania.

A cross – case analysis of the information from the 35 case studies, resulted in the identification of key structural and functional characteristics, and best practices for on-farm demonstration activities, programmes and organization.

PLAID case studies

The main objective of the PLAID case studies was: “To analyse how demonstration organisers present, discuss and demonstrate innovations in farming practices, materials and equipment in a way that helps farmers to make better informed decisions about innovation on their farm.”

24 Case-studies representing a wide variety of on-farm demonstrations across Europe were selected and followed over a period of a year, the reports listed above evaluated the main findings. The case studies focused on how to prepare for a demonstration, how to carry it out on the day, and how to ensure impact once the demonstration had been concluded.

BE1 - Open Energy Day
BE3 - Bayer Forward Farm
BG1 - Renewable energy sources in milk production
BG2 - New plant protection technologies in grain crop production
CH1 - Arenenberg arable farming day
CH2 - PROVIEH Organic Cattle Day
CRO1 - Wheat and barley day
CRO3 - Vegetables Bais
ES1 - Extensive crops trials visit
ES2 - Organic Cow Cheese Production
IT1 - DEMOdays for sustainable viticulture
LV1 - Intergrated fruit production
LV2 - Herbivorous project
NL1 - National Leek Day - final
NL2 - Grounded Maize Cropping
NOR1 - Optimal soil culture
NOR2 - Berry production in plastic tunnels
PL1 - National Potato day
PL2 - Feast of onion and potato
UK3 - IFM Field Event
UK5 - Scot - Lothian monitor farm

Reports also available at Zenodo repository