
Developing the Young Workforce Rural Skills Day



Activity name
Developing the Young Workforce Rural Skills Day

SRUC Kirkton & Auchtertyre

Activity description

The event was organised on May 2018 and May 2019 by SRUC’s Hill & Mountain Research Centre in association with the Developing Young Workforce Initiative. The latter is a Scottish Government supported programme which aims to bridge the gap between education and employers by providing young people with the right education, training and experience to get into fulfilling jobs and careers.

A short video of the 2018 event is available at:   https://www.facebook.com/SRUCKirkton/videos/750747041935148/?t=6

More information is available at: https://www.sruc.ac.uk/news/article/2125/rural_skills_on_display_at_kirkton_and_auchtertyre


Demo topic
Unspecific crop/animal - Technologies

Presence in the media

Current links:
  • https://www.thescottishfarmer.co.uk/news/17688836.tech-advances-make-rural-careers-more-enticing/
    PROMOTING careers in the rural sector has often been overlooked by the schooling structure, with rural skills education deemed as a subject for the lower achiever. At a time where technological advances in farming, forestry and horticulture are ever evolving, there has never been more evidence to disprove this theory, with a wide academic range of rural career options on offer. School pupils from Crieff High School and Breadalbane Academy gathered at SRUC’s two research farms, Kirkton and Auchtertyre, Crianlarich, to see for themselves the range of career options on offer and meet with experts from all corners of the rural sector to hear the latest in new technologies.